This type of agricultural system is also called as truck farming that is practiced mainly in the same region as mixed farming consists of cultivation of fruits, vegetables and flowers as cash crops for the urban market. It is well-developed in the densely populated countries like industrial districts of north-western Europe ( Britain, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany) and in North-Eastern USA.

As I’ve observed in our area, market gardeners are typical in using the plot land that variety of plants are planted, a profitable system. Aside from cash crops they also planted plants grown indoors and outdoors. Dissimilar to large area farms, gardeners they generally have a wide range and variety of crops which crops are harvested using manual labor with which gives job opportunity to local residence within area and also improving their standards of living.

During the pandemic, flowers and crops is high in demand since some can’t go outside and this happened in the rural area. Mostly, in the rural area these are the accessible food to consume, root crops are additional too.  and there are certain ordinances and protocols to not to go to public places. Flowers are also profitable during pandemic since people, instead of laying in bed, hearing the news about the increasing rates of people who died about the virus and to not to be eaten by boredom. People tend to plant different kinds of flower and used it as a decoration within and other parts of the house. Then, it is where other people most specially majority are mothers, love to collect different flower plants that they are labeled as plantitos or plantitas.

Aside from planting cash crops, fruits and flowers, farmers also considered planting herbal plants which is traditionally be the easiest access for curing mild illness and some improves their health within their family or to other people. With this, locally resident, non-agricultural place can be their source of food and some are in herbs.   

Locally, the demand for sustainable, healthy,  local food is constantly increasing which guarantees that the root crops are fresh, healthy and organic products. Also helps contribute to the local economy as it does not depend on import needs. This is a good gardening intensive and cultivation since it doesn’t destroy other system and this type of agricultural system is resilient when challenges occurs in the aspect of economic and environmental.

Market gardening and horticulture is a good agricultural system as it produces healthy and organic foods. A good example of decentralized production system that has a high numbers of items and products but doesn’t need industry, transport and retailers. These benefits and timely relevant system is resilient by nature.

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